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Be yourself, you're more interesting than you think!

Writer's picture: Craig WilliamsCraig Williams

The world’s a pretty messed up place! In my search for spiritual enlightenment, it has become more and more apparent that many people are lost, as if sailing on a rudderless ship. Being alone and lost is a scary thing and one of the panacea’s that sooths this emptiness is the feeling of being part of a community. Shit, that was deep, and believe me – I am not even remotely close to being any kind of doctor or shamen!

Community is essential. I think Zoom, Facetime, etc. have played a huge part in keeping the world sane during these unprecedented times (I had to say it!). Spending time with other voice over people has been essential for nourishing creative juices and making us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.

There may be a minor downside to this though. And in truth, it may just be the way that the world is changing. And I think it started way before Covid. To be accepted into a community, many feel the need to assimilate with the viewpoints of others in the group. There is a fear that if they say the wrong thing, have a differing opinion, that they will be castigated to place where Zoom chats are absent, and the walls of their booth become like walls of a prison.

Discourse should always be welcome in any community. If you make good money from the Voice Realm and are OK with the way they operate – good for you. Tell the world. If someone has a problem with that – good for them. There should follow a healthy debate and all in the community will be much wiser and richer for having heard both sides. (Replace Voice Realm with VoiceBunny, Voices dot com or any other contentious P2P site at your leisure).

And please stop dishing out advice as if you are a seasoned pro, if I then check your website or any other corner of internet for an idea of your experience or credits and find zilch, nada, nothing. I understand that you want to feel like an important part of the community. Truly, I do. But c’mon. If you’ve never been in a live session, please don’t try and tell others the best way to handle the situation. Or give marketing advice to people when you haven’t converted one person to a paying client yet. Brutally blunt? Yes, I suppose so, yet some people need to hear it. After all, we are a community and protecting the “kids” from bad advice is something that the elders should shoulder.

Part of the joy of being a creative is your individualism. It should be cherished, not shielded from the masses. It’s OK to be at the start of your journey. We were all there. It is OK if you have differing views on certain subjects than others, just make sure that you have an open mind and are willing to hear other people’s viewpoint. You don’t have to agree. That’s OK.

Please be yourself and stay true to who you are. One day, I want to bump into you at an in-person VO conference. I don’t want to meet a façade or something other than your true self. You are interesting. You have experiences I have never had. I want to hear where you are in your journey and where you are heading. I want to make sure that your ship is on course and cruising with wind in its sails and you are enjoying the journey. And if you find my enlightenment somewhere on the way, please let me know!


Voice of Shaun
Voice of Shaun
May 08, 2021

Truth! So much truth in here! And I think all of us are guilty of violating at least one of the things you talked about. How we learn from those mistakes says a lot about us. It's true that there are so many fakers giving out their non-experienced advice to the world that it's hard to even ask questions anymore because you never know who is answering you and what their real truth is in their response. Many of them probably want to put their 2 cents in so that they can feel like they gave back, so they can earn a place in the group...they just wanna fit in. But what they may not realize is the damage they…

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
May 09, 2021
Replying to

Thanks for the great response Shaun. I don’t think anyone has any malice behind their actions, they just want to fit in - just like you said.


There's an inscription in the temple of Apollo in Delphi. It says something along the lines of "Know yourself, and all the mysteries of the universe will be known to you". I think when we can be true to ourselves, we can be true to the world around us and the lens we look at things through becomes a little less hazy.


Joshua Alexander
Joshua Alexander
May 05, 2021

Absolute truth, Craig! Thank you for a great blog! Oscar Wilde said, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." And that other great philosopher, Kay Bess, said "Be you!" I love it.

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
May 05, 2021
Replying to

So true Josh. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.


May 05, 2021

Far too many people try to be someone or something they are not, to impress, to fit in...for many reasons. In today's "Instagram and Facebook Perfection" world, where all people make public are their positives, it becomes even more difficult to seem like you "fit in". Here's the rub: You fit in. Somewhere, you fit. Everyone has flaws, even if they don't post them online. And on top of that, the anonymity of some of these platforms make it easy to blast people and squash their dreams and aspirations. Even in the VO groups, I see it time and time again...experienced people blasting the newbies. Everyone was a newbie at one point, try to remember what it was…

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
May 05, 2021
Replying to

Great reply Gary. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

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